Tuesday, January 18, 2005

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Ummm Lets Leave It To The Stars OK

You ever notice how there are a certain few who cant weight to where vintage clothing. Sometimes they where it regardless of the fact that it is completely out of taste, and when you ask “what possessed you” they respond, as rehearsed, “what this its back in style.” Yah I guess that’s why they are the only one looking a fool.

Yes it is true that sheathings do come back like flair jeans for girls, they were just bell-bottom paints. But signature clothes never come back for long. The sixties look came back for all of two months in on of the summers of the 90s.

There is nothing more amusing than trying to figure out what was really going through a persons mind when they decided to dust of dad’s old parachute pants and parade through school like they are they are hotter than (Hottor) or black Michel Jackson.

I have but one peace of advice for those idiots that think they can try and change whats in “leave it to the stares.”

This Is So Wrong

I would hate to see that litter. Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 16, 2005

This was in the restroom at work Posted by Hello

Announcing My Voice

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V.O Any Questions now has my opinions in my owen voice.


"that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet" thus said the woman who killed herself because of love.

According to Juliet I can call anything whatever I want and it is still the same thing. I guess if I called her a bitch she would respond “that word now replaces woman and a bitch produces human children” well the way most females are these days she would be only half right. Most likely she would get offended and slap the shit out of me to witch I would respond but you are still the same person. Therefore I think if we called a rose a turd it would also take offence. I think Juliet was off her rocker with that one.
(And yes I do know what the line in the play really means)

But what is with names these days anyway it seams they fall into five categories normal birth names unique birth names nick names pet names alternate names and of course the new and ever loved screen names.

1. Normal birth names- names that parents simply like and give to their children normally the have something to do with the society they were raised like Africans have African names and Scots have Scottish names American names are like Patrick John Mark Valerie

2. Unique birth names- these afro Americans have taken way to far you know you have one of these if you name is the same as a car number or has la qa in it.

3. Nick names are cool and I think I am the best at giving these out people can never figure how I come up with then but they stick and always seam to match the personality of the person.

4. Alternate names these usually come about when the person is sick or hates their current name so they simply have everyone call them something new.

5. Screen names this is how generation x expresses them selves by picking a series of letter and numbers that no one in the rest of the world has if it is a good one like Hottor it may become the person’s nick name and yes Hottor is mine.

I think the worst are those stupid unique names that one the kids don’t know how to spell until sixth grade and teachers can never figure out how to pronounce because it is not spelled even close to how it is pronounced. That is simply the result of poorly educated parents those that had the I already know everything type attitude in school those people that think DIETZ & WATSON is pronounced Dill and Wilson because its not an American name, and septa stands for septa or they think a TV and a television are two different things. But we will simply let that little sect of the world stay where it is at while the rest progress with our cool nicknames and normal first names.

For those of you who were born into a dumb family that gave you a stupid hard to spell hard to ready don’t make since and don’t have a meaning name I have but one peace of advice…………………

Change IT …….. So you too may be normal and loved