To many of you this may look really familer, to thoes its not thats me at age 16. Its only a costume I normaly dont dress like that.

Ever wonder what other people are thinking when you do something stupid, when they give you a dirty look, or when they give you that vibe they are lying to you. well GangstaPreppy tells it like it really is, dont like it to bad just get use to it.
Who made the rules, was it a man or woman? Either who ever it was needs to be killed or have their memory and seed wiped from the earth, unless they think as I do.
This stereotype of men has caused controversy in many households for centuries and it only get worse, the stereotype that is. As it stands right now, men are to be violent, and constantly live a quest to prove their virility and insensitivity. Despite the fact that men now and days seem to be more willing to be open with their feelings. The only way that any man can be open and free with his true personality is to be gay or label himself metro sexual.
So in conclusion I say fuck the world and only true men a metro all other are just dumb poor excuses for males.There are to many diets out there. You got the Jared subway diet, the slim fast diet, Jenny Crag, and the ever popular yet new Atkins diet. All of which have no place between thanksgiving and new years day, more so on thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is the one and only day in the year it is perfectly to be glutinous by gorging ourselves on good food. It is a sin to try to make it more health conscious by using margarine as opposed to butter. It is simply wrong to try to substitute what taste better for what is better for you. The most horrible of the things that can be done on such a holiday is almost too terrible to mention, a to foe turkey. Who ever does a thing like that should be roasted along side a real turkey. As fore any one who thinks such a thing I hope they have nightmares until they drew the conclusion that real turkey is the best and only legal way to go.
I see it as if you die that night you will definitely die well fed and happy. Oh how ignorance is bliss and if you not pretending is just as great.There was a book that someone in my 6th grade class had called 101 ways to know your ghetto. Let me just say the book is now outdated. I think some one should writ a series of books describing the true ghetto person. I think ill give them a start with the ghetto girl.
I know you have seen them they are everywhere in the suburbs in the city and even in the country. The only difference is the country girls have direct access to their horsehair AKA weave.
The word ghetto girl is just another name for chicken head. Why is it that a girl can go out one day with only 3 inches of hair and the next have three feet and try to pass it off as her own. If the world is as dumb as she wants us to be we are all domed. I also find it fascinating how they talk. It is a sin to say where were you. It can never be said like that it has to be “where you be at” or “ who you been messin wit” and you can never have one no it has to five or six. Hell no is never strong it has to be “no no hell no way in no hell.”
You also can track a ghetto girl or tell when they are near. You can hear them a mile away. It always seems the farther they are the louder they sound unless they are in your face then it sound like you having a conversation with an angry monkey. You can get away with telling the “smart” ones to shut up but a dumb will pretend to get offended. When ever they are pissed it starts the same “ ooohhhhhhhh hell no niggaa” its their favorite line like Paris Hilton likes to say, “That’s hot.”
And lets not get started on the clothes. Always the same loud flashy colors hit in the eyes like mace. If its not rare tight clothes in the winter its all skin. I swear 300 days out of 365 you can see it all on a ghetto girl.
I think the best place to close is the recent addition to the ghetto girl wardrobe. Mismatch thongs that made easily visible to the public on her body. I tell you so far I have seen leopard thongs with an aqua marine outfit, or a pink one with an all white outfit.
Ghetto girls are hear to stay unfortunately so when ever you need a little soft core porn go take a brisk walk in the ghetto or suburbs or anywhere for that matter it’s an epidemic with no cure like aids or herpes.It is so funny how the world of looks works. The words we use to hurt someone are quite divers yet in English come from the same word. It is seen as one of the ultimate insults if you just come out and say to someone they are physically challenged. Some times, it is seen as a challenge. Before it was just “your ugly” then “you uu ga lee” “then fugly came into the picture. It is truly considered an art to add words to the basic ugly terms to come up with the best way to tell someone they are unattractive. I can remember this one time a 3rd grader called me tall lanky and ugly I responded “ your short round and un attractive” as you can imagine my friends found my retort quite humorous as I had intended.
Its been said that true beauty comes from with in. its also been said that ugly people made that up to feel better. Well it is vary true that is some thing ugly people made up to feel better.
Ugly people are ugly and that is that. There are no im a nice person so I look good if your ugly you know your ugly and normally your first to admit it. I think I would know I have met my fair share of both ugly and good looking people and I am not ashamed to say my friends are all good looking and those that I find ugly usually are jealous.
There are three kinds of good-looking people in this world. The good looking who always want to look better they are normally seen as unhappy and annoying always looking for affirmation. Then we have those who look good and find it necessary to remind the world they are seen as stuck-up and conceded only because they are. Then are those like me who look good but try to pretend they are not. This type that says their friends with everybody but it is more like everybody want to be friends with them.
There are two types of ugly people those that pretend they are not but know whole-heartedly they are and those who know they are and just do not care. The later of the two need to be eradicated.
Ugly people true ugly people are always evil on the inside and that is why I can honestly say what I say without any remorse. You may see some one who physically is not your type but you know they are good looking.
So there, you have the short of it I could go all day with this on but I feel I should cut it short. I think tomorrow I will talk about the ugly I have seen to emphasize my point.
Today I made several observations of my life and those in it. These are my reflections.
Lately I have been wondering why is it expected for girls to primp press and put on makeup among other things in the morning. Its like if they do not put some additive on their body before they start their day they have committed some grave sin, and the only penance is to point out how bad they look or so they think. For example, my mother does not go any where without lipstick. She has been told by many people who have seen her without makeup that she is a beautiful woman and still she where’s that gunk.
The reason this whole spiel is relevant is because this girl came into first block complaining how she did not get a chance to do her hair and how bad it looked, but yet to everyone else it looked like it did every day.
As for at work I had to help the confederate from hell. He came to the counter and ordered his lunch meats one at a time each time giving me an aptitude he was making it a little obvious that he was disappointed that the deli clerk was black. But he could go back to hell for all I cared. Lucky him I did not show him I did have a ghetto side, Ill deal with the ghetto ness of people tomorrow.
I thin I should end today with this last bit of victorology. Sometimes I just want to say to customers who make a point to order beef bologna beef salami or turkey ham. The moment they are walking away “The person before you ordered domestic ham and liverwurst, enjoy your sandwiches!”I think I need to start with a simple question. How can boys by all definition say what a man is? How can a young man say what a real man is? The reason I put such a question out there is the young men in my math class had quite the discussion on what a man is and when a boy can finally say that he is a man. Their were all kinds of definitions all of which I feel proved that these 16 and 17 year olds have got some learning to do before they can honestly say they are a real man.
One definition was your a man when your paying bills, one was when your taking care of a family, another was when your mom says you are. Let me just say they went on and on until it was time to go. I feel its safe to say again and again they all were just lil boys. That whole I have seen so much in my life doesn’t make you a man that whole I got a job girl and this that and other bill don’t make you a man. Pick from the following to see if you are a man.
Religion When you religion says you are
When the government says you are
when people look at you like you are
when your done puberty
or hears the real on
when you can honestly look in the mirror and say all in all im a man.
Any man can pay bills any man can make babies any man can go to church and clime to be a Christian and go to church any man can do what ever the hell he wants. Its a real man that dose what not what he feels is right but what is best for those his decisions will effect. A real man pays bill not because he has to but because he wants to. A real man makes a family because he wants to take care of one, not because it was the cards he was dealt. Real men love their lives because of the positive attributes they give to society a real man buy all definition is someone all other males will be proud to look to as a role models and women can say to their little boys don’t you want to be like him.