Saturday, August 05, 2006


Should i chang the pic in my profile? Ineed to know.

Quote of the Day

Mr. O'Neill:"You know what they say: A spoonfull of sugar helps the medicine go down!"
Jane:"Not if you're diabetic."
-From Daria Episode "Arts 'n' Crass."

Update for the Fans or Fan LOL

Ok so it has been a vary long time that ii have updated my blog. I had made several promises to try and update this thing on some kind of regular bases but it never seemed to have happened. To all honest I had just given up on the whole blogging thing until i talked to my friend Boima today. He informed that he really did like a couple of my post i didn't get into the detail as to why but hey i really no longer have an excuse. I recently bought a lap top so I can now take a computer where ever I go. Who knows this whole blog thing may actually become a really cool hobby for me.

I think it is best to give every one an update on me. When I first started my blog I was working at ACME Market in the Deli department. I was an okay job until in June a new general manager was hired. He was for lack of the perfect word an ass hole. I could not stand him and despite his efforts his dislike of me was vary apparent no longer liked my job and my hours were being cut so I went in search of a better job. It was a slow hunt it wasn't like I didn't have a job so i was not so aggressive in finding another one.

Back in march and April i interned at an advertising agency, despite how boring it was i liked it and that is how i decided on a major for college. When my internship was over i was told to keep in touch over the summer incase some other projects came up that i could help with. I told my mother what they had said so when i informed her that i was in search of a new or second job she told me to give them a call. So what did i do? I procrastinated, but i eventually game them a call which turned out to be perfect timing. The woman i had interned for was no pregnant and could not lift heavy boxes. She needed someone to handle the promotional mailings, and i already knew how to use the equipment. she eventually called me back and was hired part time. it was perfect no set schedule as time to be in just that i came on Tuesday and Friday. i was hired at seven dollars an hour and my checks from their were more than my checks at acme where i made 0 cents more and worked more hours all that too an err with my union dues that made me have to pay double for a year.

Well i worked in that job for from the end of august until mid October when I was hired full time as a customer service rep thanks to Brenda sharp. She was the lead for the department and forced me to be friends with her. I couldn’t help it she was funny and intelligent. Her in your face humor always left you wanting more. She had told me a position was open and asked if I wanted to put a word in for me. She did and the next week I was offered the job. the next day I accepted and turned my resignation to acme thank god I only had to give one weeks notice. My manager worked it out so that Thursday was my last day and I started my first full time job.

ok so some of you may ask what about school. well due to financial reasons I took the first semester off. I did start full time as a night student at DCCC came that January.

So as it stands now I am a full time employee at EDU Directories and a full time student at DCCC. I have my own apartment, I moved in the same day I turned 20 but that’s another story that oddly enough parallels with how I got my new job. but that is for tomorrow.