Ever wonder what other people are thinking when you do something stupid, when they give you a dirty look, or when they give you that vibe they are lying to you. well GangstaPreppy tells it like it really is, dont like it to bad just get use to it.
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Today's Rating

Sick Of This Shit
Ok this is the first time I will truly let the world have it. I am sick and tired of every ones stupid shit. Why the hell does it seem when you ask certain people to do a simple task it never gets done, I mean you ask they say yes you explain the importance and it never fucking happens.
I have this one friend who is proving himself less and less useful. When you confront this asshole with it he pretends he is perfect and that the problem lies in every one else I bet if I had him read this he would never figure out its about him.
As for some of my other friends let me just say I lost touch and don’t really plan on trying to get back in touch.
There is also this guy across the street from us who has this scarecrow. First off why the hell would some have a scar crow up in the middle of winter, total asshole. But any way the strange thing about this god dammed scare crow is the way it is displayed, one word, lynched, that’s fucking right this dame thing has been up since Halloween hanging by its neck, the noose is made of purple Christmas lights, and the sick fucker lives directly across the street from a black family. Should I hate him, I may, but what would be better is I go over there and rip it down shred it up and scatter it all over his yard and porch. Or I could handle it the same way I handle most shit in my life, just get use to it.Wednesday, February 09, 2005
i wonder why
In a countery where famous fat people are loved just as much as fast food thiere is not cure. Get use to it.
Monday, February 07, 2005
Guess What This Is?
There are many words to describe me. I have been called funny, good looking, charming, playful, serious and even creative. For the longest time I never believed any of them, I thought I was average all around. I thought I was like everyone else my grades reflected it and the way I felt said I was.
It was in seventh grade that I meet a woman who tried her best to prove that I was not like most children. Sr. Rosemary was the one who helped me realize that I liked public speaking. I had a chance to meet people who had influence in our neighborhood of Germantown as well as the Catholic Church and politics. After I had interesting conversations with these people I was later told that they found me to be exactly as Sr. Rosemary described me. I heard it from their mouth and later from Sr. Rosemary, but their was one little problem holding me Back, my home life was not a pleasant one.
My stepfather and I did not get along at all. He was not the man I had wanted my mother to marry, things changed drastically after the wedding. I can remember suffering from depression for a year because of it. It was thanks to my faith in God that I got over it and have never returned to those types of thoughts and emotions. For eight years though I had to deal with being mistreated and watching a man whom I felt was not my father and a poor excuse of a husband treat my mother like she was less than an outstanding woman.
It was not until February of 2004 that my life turned upside down and changed. One night I made a terrible mistake that showed my mother just how much I was hurting and disliked who she married. So we moved out the end of that week. From that point on I spent time being angry with God, my mother, my friends and even my sister. I forgot who I was and ended up loosing a lot. First I lost my place at St. Joe’s, my job and contact with Sr. Rosemary. It seamed when I gained one thing I lost another.
We eventually got a new house but my stepfather came over a lot and I had to struggle with how to handle this totally bizarre situation while trying to adjust to suburban living. Everything was new. In late august I found a new job and in early September I enrolled in Academy Park high school. I was starting, more than my sister and mother, from scratch I had to make new friends learn a new neighborhood and worse of all rediscover who I was.
For the longest time I could not figure out who I wanted to be or who I once was or even what I wanted to do with my life. I was a nobody; I went from liking gospel and classical music to liking Christian alternative and rock. I changed from wanting to be a doctor and minister to advertising or doctor, and as for my faith I did not know if I was angry with God or if I wanted him to forgive me. Every other part of my life I was just pretending to care. I wanted to run away, but where? I wanted to live with some one else, but who. I wanted to know why I had changed from being Victor S. Bethea, II to “Mr. I Don’t Know”
I figured I just needed time and everything would fall into place. As of February 7, 2005 I knew. I was Victor S. Bethea, II just different. Although I like new music and live in the suburbs I know who I am and what I want to do with my life. I still want six kids three girls and three boys, I still love God and want to preach if that is what he wants me to do, I still have all my old friends and I know that I am a handsome, charming young adult ready to take the world by storm. I may not know for sure what career I want but I at least I have it narrowed down to two.this is me Get use to it
Sunday, February 06, 2005
"For What?" You Ask
http://www.halftone.org/archives/003369.html (feel free to look around, its one hot cite)
For what, you may ask? Well isn’t it obvious, the United States own modern napoleon George W. Bush Jr. I think we all know if the current president had his way he would take over the world starting with each country that he guesses supports terrorism then every other country that did not think like us . bush has made it quite clear he feels the world should think like he dose and claims to feel the united states is the greatest government in the world. The last I checked it was strong nationalism like this that caused World War II. I am not saying bush will cause world war III, but that is only because he is limited in his powers by the constitution in which he loves so dearly.
George bush to simply put it is a megalomaniac and would love nothing more than to see the Iraqi flag change to the old red white and blue with 51 stars.
People ask froe what well now they know to help a man prove how blind the Republican Party really is. Don’t like it to bad that’s how it is so get used to it.