Ever wonder what other people are thinking when you do something stupid, when they give you a dirty look, or when they give you that vibe they are lying to you. well GangstaPreppy tells it like it really is, dont like it to bad just get use to it.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
P4 Time For Change (cont.)
“Did you finish your room?”
“No.” I responded
“Why not?”
“I just didn’t get done yet.”
“Victor Go finish your room.”
“I will after I finish my paper. “
“Get up and go finish your room.” His tone was rising I could hear from the first question he was angry, but my paper was more important and over due. So I said,
“ Right after I finish my paper this is more important”
“Get up!” I stayed where I was ignored him and went on typing my paper. Holley then went unlocked and opened the door and yelled for me to get out. My little sister came in and told him to leave me alone. He told her to get out and she told him,
“No I’m sick of you bullying him!” my mother appeared in the room and was trying to divert his attention but he wasn’t having it. He started pushing my sister out the house yelling “Get out. Get out!”
I had had it I was going to end it all that night I went and got the two biggest knives from the kitchen I could find and started to the living room. I was ready, he turned around a put his hands up like he was ready to fight me but one swing and I mean it he was going to pull back a nub.
My mother jumped between us she tried to push him from the dinning room to the living room but found her attempts futile. She came to me and asked me to put the knives down she kept saying its not worth going to jail. She went and called the copes while Holley and I had our stand off. She came back and tried to convince me to put the knives down I finally did thinking I would hate to go to jail and not finish high school with my friends.
He backed off and called the copes and told them his son just pulled a knife on him I hollers I am not his son. The Saturday before was the last time I ever called him daddy or even referred to him as my stepfather.
When the copes finally came, he acted as though he was the innocent one. Calm as though nothing happened. My mother was truly upset and I was so ferreted that I could hardly speak it was the same speech I had herd so many times before from the copes and the same speech I had herd from my counselors. “ you two don’t need to live together and its not good for the children” “ you don’t want to go to jail for something stupid” if you don’t want him in the house get a restraining order”
At that mother responded where once she was told she my sister and I got in the car and we were off. Once we were downtown, she could not remember the address she was given. We went to three places that we thought might be it but they were all wrong. So we went back home.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Men And Boys Coinclusion
P4 Need For Change
Towards the end of January, I started having these strange nightmares. I had hated my mothers husband for the past 7 years, the were only married for eight. I tried every thing to deal with this hate but nothing worked he always managed to do something to make the hatred stronger.
On that knight the I dreamed that he my mother and I were standing in the kitchen or more like I was sitting on a stole watching the television as she was cooking. Later Holley came in and started an argument with me it got heated. The next thing I knew I was slicing and dicing him as if he was a piece of cheep pork. A voice then went off saying don’t wake up don’t wake up.
I woke up feeling like I now needed help quick. The next day I talked to the intervention councilor at school I had been talking to her earlier about my return depression something else to thank Holley for. She gave me suggestions but non I felt were good enough so I went to talk to my church pastor. He suggested counseling and he was going to be the one to do it. He would talk to my mother and get the whole thing going. The goal was to eventually get Holley to come my mother had been trying for years to get him to go to counseling to the point that she was going by herself. Let me just say I never had a session with my pastor.
That weekend it was a nice weekend I can remember it like it was yesterday an unusual weekend for early march. Saturday was ok but Sunday was the life changer. I went to visit my father with my aunt Lisa and grandmother like I had done on many weekends before. I would go and receive a driving lesson from my aunt while my grandmother went in a brought my father out for some fresh air. It was a good visit. I came home and decided top watch a little TV. A movie was on so I planed my day around it, watch the movie and then type my English paper, which was already overdue.
Ten minutes into the movie the ass hole comes in and says,
“I have been outside all day you should get up and do something” to which I responded
“Like what” he shot back
“go clean your room!” so I did.
I had been cleaning a good while when I decided to take a break I went downstairs to fore a glass of water. I was told by my mother that dinner was almost ready so I stayed in the kitchen and watched as she put on her finishing touches, also we had a little time to catch up on things.
After dinner it was late so I went to the computer and started working on my paper got comfortable and prepared to go to bed late. I was almost finished a page when I hear.
(to Be Continued)Thursday, December 02, 2004
Part Three
January was I guess you could say a typical month. Dealt with failing math for the year, Latin for the semester and the fact that exams were coming up. That Christmas I had went to Inndwelling the after school program I had went to from seventh grade to sophomore year until what I like to simply call the Hawaiian Mixer incident.
It was the whole I hate the way my mother is ruining my life I am going to do what I want to do its my life type of things that lasted for four days. After it was all over my mother and I decided it was caused by stress and Inndwelling should be cut out.
I had went to Inndwelling to say hi to sister rosemary and brother al the heads of the program and good friends. After talking to sister and staying for the Christmas party I decided that going back might do more good than it had ever done before.
I went back and sister got me a Latin tutor who helped a lot. But as for algebra the tutor refused to help me he just caused problems. I dealt with it and refused to let it bother me I would just fail for the year and go to summer school, or so I thought.
( todays excerpt was short this i know. i ask that from this point on you remember that what is contained in this stry is completly true. the names and events remain unalterd in any way. i say some things vary bluntly and remember this is the first draft.)Sunday, November 28, 2004
Ready For Part Two
The work was fun but very tiring so Neal left excused and Matt crashed on my couch just as my mother came back home it was now crunch time.
We rushed but were still late but hay who cares we had the food and made an entrance. The food was great I was proud the cake wall decorated as expected that is what my mother is known for it, and the food had everyone impressed. I was o so proud and thankful for all the help I had it was a real team effort. I remember walking in looking around and my pride turned to pissed off.
There was a decoration committee, entertainment committee and an advertising committee all I felt failed at their job. Parents were saying they had no Idea about the party almost all the guest were under the age 15 and over 40. All I can say about the decorations is, what decorations their were hardly any balloons no streamers and the posters looked like the were done the day of by a 6th grader with no help. I did my best and expected the same from everyone else.
Entertainment is the biggest part of the party, no better yet the entertainment is the party and you would agree it sucked. The started off with a third of the party as ice breakers then a so-called comedian who had 5min worth of jokes and then preached for most of the night he preached 14 minutes past midnight I wanted to go home.
My friend Matt is an atheist and the only reason I got him to come was I told him in all sincerity that no one would try to force god on you. The exact opposite happened after he told one person that he did not want to accept Christ and why another came up asked what happened and then got into an argument about it. I was done I had it when the party was over I apologized to him and said I would never invite him or anybody else to another church party. There was so much food left over I was eating tuna salad for the next 3 days but it was good. Unlike that terrible party
Thoes Lil Liers
well those of you that know me know for a fact that I was jiped. I have the worse vision. I am vary near sighted and the farther objects are the more double they are . so with that said can you honestly say carrots help your vision. hell no but parents will keep telling this lie as a way to get kids to eat vegetables.