Saturday, January 15, 2005

Smart Cat

“"I Concur stupid people are highly humorous!!!” "
Posted by Hello

"Ofisily' Stupid

What can possibly be said about the intellectually challenged in one word… A LOT! The way that someone can honestly and whole-heartedly dumb, Stupid, idiotic, unintelligent, moronic, and non-interesting is most humorous, mainly because they don’t know and try to prove other wise. Foe example I know these two people that really don’t know shit about cooking and even less about baking, but they will have the nerve to sit down and try to figure out what is in what ever they are eating. Each and every time they get it wrong they think nutmeg is cinnamon and salt taste like nutmeg what dumb Asses. They shall remain nameless.

Then there is my favorite type of unintelligent people the “Worldly Type” those that don’t know shit about shit but incessantly about the “meaning” of every thing. The best part is watching their facial expressions when they are taking. My favorite is to change my face to look confused, interested, bored, and pissed off among many other facial expressions to see how the conversation shifts and to how he or she “corrects” themselves usually by the end of the conversation I have someone that knows about the topic at hand and watch as the true facts are laid out. The person normally tries to agree and confirm what he knows matches what is true.

Now that’s what I call entertainment!

Basically what is to be said is true dumb people are for smarter peoples’ entertainment not to make us feel smarter but to give us a really good laugh. Try it the possibilities are endless. Also never argue true dumb people never admit they are wrong the already know “everything.”

Friday, January 14, 2005

New Year New Friends (Literaly! )

I have come to the realization I need to let go. I have continually tried to hold on to every bit of the past that I possibly could. My friends from St. Martin’s and St. Joe’s and even my cousins. We have all grown way too much and way to different for me to try and keep it all together. Its time for me to except the inevitable and allow what’s going to happen to happen. Most likely many of my friend will go on with their lives and I will never hear from them a gain more so my prep friend than any others. I will go on and probably become a person some of my lingering friend never thought I would be and begin to hang with a more freeing crowed. It has happened before.

So 2005 is an important year in which I have newfound wisdom. All those who I have said I hat, disliked or just wanted not to be bothered with you are now considered ordinary people. My good and bad list is no more “surf -n- turf” is now open and will soon have a new name (obviously). Basically what I am saying I am not despite for friend but I have come to a turning point in my life and I think I need to start afresh with a modified group of friends and a new outlook on people and life. I am still me and I still have the same views I had before but everyone in my eyes has a new chance to allow me to decide friend or foe.

With that said every one of my friends has exactly three weeks to contact me in some form before they are bumped from friend to just some person I knew and those that know I prefer not to talk to have one month before I forget about them completely.

I hope and pray everyone has a happy new year and enjoy whatever millstones happen.

Dirty Pig

Yah Yah I know this is a lil risque but alot of funny. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

i am starting the year off looking good at least.  Posted by Hello

Good Bye 2004

as many of my friends know 2004 was full of rough times for me. had to move houses school and job. i even lost a friend. and it seamed no matter how hard i tried it just got worse and worse. eventual i made new friends and learned to love my new place of residence. i am ok now i just cant waite to graduate from hell aka High School. trust me kidos i will be having a partay yes you read right partay to celibrate the ocashion. i can only hope and pray that 2005 is full of happy ocashions and heart warming memories unlike that basterd child of the new milenium.
by the way if any of yall gots a problem with my spelling eate paint i aint feel like using spell check. the other cite address is check it out starting monday.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

V.0 The Look

check this cite out. in one week i will be sharing the secret of how dress really good but stay really comfortabul.

It Late I Know

Happy new year.
i know it has been a long while sence i last posted but ialot has happend. its late so check back tommorrow to see whats new and watch how this will became a new adictive happit of mine. tomorrow will probaly be an up date on what has happend in 2004 more so a summery