Friday, December 03, 2004

P4 Need For Change

Towards the end of January, I started having these strange nightmares. I had hated my mothers husband for the past 7 years, the were only married for eight. I tried every thing to deal with this hate but nothing worked he always managed to do something to make the hatred stronger.

On that knight the I dreamed that he my mother and I were standing in the kitchen or more like I was sitting on a stole watching the television as she was cooking. Later Holley came in and started an argument with me it got heated. The next thing I knew I was slicing and dicing him as if he was a piece of cheep pork. A voice then went off saying don’t wake up don’t wake up.

I woke up feeling like I now needed help quick. The next day I talked to the intervention councilor at school I had been talking to her earlier about my return depression something else to thank Holley for. She gave me suggestions but non I felt were good enough so I went to talk to my church pastor. He suggested counseling and he was going to be the one to do it. He would talk to my mother and get the whole thing going. The goal was to eventually get Holley to come my mother had been trying for years to get him to go to counseling to the point that she was going by herself. Let me just say I never had a session with my pastor.

That weekend it was a nice weekend I can remember it like it was yesterday an unusual weekend for early march. Saturday was ok but Sunday was the life changer. I went to visit my father with my aunt Lisa and grandmother like I had done on many weekends before. I would go and receive a driving lesson from my aunt while my grandmother went in a brought my father out for some fresh air. It was a good visit. I came home and decided top watch a little TV. A movie was on so I planed my day around it, watch the movie and then type my English paper, which was already overdue.

Ten minutes into the movie the ass hole comes in and says,

“I have been outside all day you should get up and do something” to which I responded

“Like what” he shot back

“go clean your room!” so I did.

I had been cleaning a good while when I decided to take a break I went downstairs to fore a glass of water. I was told by my mother that dinner was almost ready so I stayed in the kitchen and watched as she put on her finishing touches, also we had a little time to catch up on things.

After dinner it was late so I went to the computer and started working on my paper got comfortable and prepared to go to bed late. I was almost finished a page when I hear.

(to Be Continued)

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