Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Ghetto Girls And Ugly People 2

There was a book that someone in my 6th grade class had called 101 ways to know your ghetto. Let me just say the book is now outdated. I think some one should writ a series of books describing the true ghetto person. I think ill give them a start with the ghetto girl.

I know you have seen them they are everywhere in the suburbs in the city and even in the country. The only difference is the country girls have direct access to their horsehair AKA weave.

The word ghetto girl is just another name for chicken head. Why is it that a girl can go out one day with only 3 inches of hair and the next have three feet and try to pass it off as her own. If the world is as dumb as she wants us to be we are all domed. I also find it fascinating how they talk. It is a sin to say where were you. It can never be said like that it has to be “where you be at” or “ who you been messin wit” and you can never have one no it has to five or six. Hell no is never strong it has to be “no no hell no way in no hell.”

You also can track a ghetto girl or tell when they are near. You can hear them a mile away. It always seems the farther they are the louder they sound unless they are in your face then it sound like you having a conversation with an angry monkey. You can get away with telling the “smart” ones to shut up but a dumb will pretend to get offended. When ever they are pissed it starts the same “ ooohhhhhhhh hell no niggaa” its their favorite line like Paris Hilton likes to say, “That’s hot.”

And lets not get started on the clothes. Always the same loud flashy colors hit in the eyes like mace. If its not rare tight clothes in the winter its all skin. I swear 300 days out of 365 you can see it all on a ghetto girl.

I think the best place to close is the recent addition to the ghetto girl wardrobe. Mismatch thongs that made easily visible to the public on her body. I tell you so far I have seen leopard thongs with an aqua marine outfit, or a pink one with an all white outfit.

Ghetto girls are hear to stay unfortunately so when ever you need a little soft core porn go take a brisk walk in the ghetto or suburbs or anywhere for that matter it’s an epidemic with no cure like aids or herpes.
Ps south park really sucked tonight.

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