Tuesday, December 14, 2004

no more story

ok i have recived some feed back but i think i dont want to continue this story any more so that is that. if enough people request the rest then ill continue it.

Saturday, December 04, 2004


All who leave comments must leave a name of some sort, or I will have to make it so only registered users can leave and or view my cite. It’s my lil pet peeve so sorry but I have my reasons. leave the name in your comment.

You Like

This speakes to me. Posted by Hello

P4 Time For Change (cont.)

“Did you finish your room?”

“No.” I responded

“Why not?”

“I just didn’t get done yet.”

“Victor Go finish your room.”

“I will after I finish my paper. “

“Get up and go finish your room.” His tone was rising I could hear from the first question he was angry, but my paper was more important and over due. So I said,

“ Right after I finish my paper this is more important”

“Get up!” I stayed where I was ignored him and went on typing my paper. Holley then went unlocked and opened the door and yelled for me to get out. My little sister came in and told him to leave me alone. He told her to get out and she told him,

“No I’m sick of you bullying him!” my mother appeared in the room and was trying to divert his attention but he wasn’t having it. He started pushing my sister out the house yelling “Get out. Get out!”

I had had it I was going to end it all that night I went and got the two biggest knives from the kitchen I could find and started to the living room. I was ready, he turned around a put his hands up like he was ready to fight me but one swing and I mean it he was going to pull back a nub.

My mother jumped between us she tried to push him from the dinning room to the living room but found her attempts futile. She came to me and asked me to put the knives down she kept saying its not worth going to jail. She went and called the copes while Holley and I had our stand off. She came back and tried to convince me to put the knives down I finally did thinking I would hate to go to jail and not finish high school with my friends.

He backed off and called the copes and told them his son just pulled a knife on him I hollers I am not his son. The Saturday before was the last time I ever called him daddy or even referred to him as my stepfather.

When the copes finally came, he acted as though he was the innocent one. Calm as though nothing happened. My mother was truly upset and I was so ferreted that I could hardly speak it was the same speech I had herd so many times before from the copes and the same speech I had herd from my counselors. “ you two don’t need to live together and its not good for the children” “ you don’t want to go to jail for something stupid” if you don’t want him in the house get a restraining order”

At that mother responded where once she was told she my sister and I got in the car and we were off. Once we were downtown, she could not remember the address she was given. We went to three places that we thought might be it but they were all wrong. So we went back home.

Friday, December 03, 2004


How does this make you feel?? Posted by Hello

Men And Boys Coinclusion

A man is someone who looks in the mirror everyday and can say to himself that he is a man but allows all other to think what they want but all the while staying true to their responsibilities.

P4 Need For Change

Towards the end of January, I started having these strange nightmares. I had hated my mothers husband for the past 7 years, the were only married for eight. I tried every thing to deal with this hate but nothing worked he always managed to do something to make the hatred stronger.

On that knight the I dreamed that he my mother and I were standing in the kitchen or more like I was sitting on a stole watching the television as she was cooking. Later Holley came in and started an argument with me it got heated. The next thing I knew I was slicing and dicing him as if he was a piece of cheep pork. A voice then went off saying don’t wake up don’t wake up.

I woke up feeling like I now needed help quick. The next day I talked to the intervention councilor at school I had been talking to her earlier about my return depression something else to thank Holley for. She gave me suggestions but non I felt were good enough so I went to talk to my church pastor. He suggested counseling and he was going to be the one to do it. He would talk to my mother and get the whole thing going. The goal was to eventually get Holley to come my mother had been trying for years to get him to go to counseling to the point that she was going by herself. Let me just say I never had a session with my pastor.

That weekend it was a nice weekend I can remember it like it was yesterday an unusual weekend for early march. Saturday was ok but Sunday was the life changer. I went to visit my father with my aunt Lisa and grandmother like I had done on many weekends before. I would go and receive a driving lesson from my aunt while my grandmother went in a brought my father out for some fresh air. It was a good visit. I came home and decided top watch a little TV. A movie was on so I planed my day around it, watch the movie and then type my English paper, which was already overdue.

Ten minutes into the movie the ass hole comes in and says,

“I have been outside all day you should get up and do something” to which I responded

“Like what” he shot back

“go clean your room!” so I did.

I had been cleaning a good while when I decided to take a break I went downstairs to fore a glass of water. I was told by my mother that dinner was almost ready so I stayed in the kitchen and watched as she put on her finishing touches, also we had a little time to catch up on things.

After dinner it was late so I went to the computer and started working on my paper got comfortable and prepared to go to bed late. I was almost finished a page when I hear.

(to Be Continued)

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Would You Look At That

Strange aint it. Posted by Hello

Part Three

January was I guess you could say a typical month. Dealt with failing math for the year, Latin for the semester and the fact that exams were coming up. That Christmas I had went to Inndwelling the after school program I had went to from seventh grade to sophomore year until what I like to simply call the Hawaiian Mixer incident.

It was the whole I hate the way my mother is ruining my life I am going to do what I want to do its my life type of things that lasted for four days. After it was all over my mother and I decided it was caused by stress and Inndwelling should be cut out.

I had went to Inndwelling to say hi to sister rosemary and brother al the heads of the program and good friends. After talking to sister and staying for the Christmas party I decided that going back might do more good than it had ever done before.

I went back and sister got me a Latin tutor who helped a lot. But as for algebra the tutor refused to help me he just caused problems. I dealt with it and refused to let it bother me I would just fail for the year and go to summer school, or so I thought.

( todays excerpt was short this i know. i ask that from this point on you remember that what is contained in this stry is completly true. the names and events remain unalterd in any way. i say some things vary bluntly and remember this is the first draft.)

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Pic Of The Day

Bet you can't guess what this is, but i dare you to try. Go ahead try and guess. Posted by Hello

Ready For Part Two

The work was fun but very tiring so Neal left excused and Matt crashed on my couch just as my mother came back home it was now crunch time.

We rushed but were still late but hay who cares we had the food and made an entrance. The food was great I was proud the cake wall decorated as expected that is what my mother is known for it, and the food had everyone impressed. I was o so proud and thankful for all the help I had it was a real team effort. I remember walking in looking around and my pride turned to pissed off.

There was a decoration committee, entertainment committee and an advertising committee all I felt failed at their job. Parents were saying they had no Idea about the party almost all the guest were under the age 15 and over 40. All I can say about the decorations is, what decorations their were hardly any balloons no streamers and the posters looked like the were done the day of by a 6th grader with no help. I did my best and expected the same from everyone else.

Entertainment is the biggest part of the party, no better yet the entertainment is the party and you would agree it sucked. The started off with a third of the party as ice breakers then a so-called comedian who had 5min worth of jokes and then preached for most of the night he preached 14 minutes past midnight I wanted to go home.

My friend Matt is an atheist and the only reason I got him to come was I told him in all sincerity that no one would try to force god on you. The exact opposite happened after he told one person that he did not want to accept Christ and why another came up asked what happened and then got into an argument about it. I was done I had it when the party was over I apologized to him and said I would never invite him or anybody else to another church party. There was so much food left over I was eating tuna salad for the next 3 days but it was good. Unlike that terrible party

Thoes Lil Liers

I was told when I was younger that eating carrots helped your eyesight. so as a child I ate plenty of carrots I loved them and the fact that they would help me in the long run only made me love them more.
well those of you that know me know for a fact that I was jiped. I have the worse vision. I am vary near sighted and the farther objects are the more double they are . so with that said can you honestly say carrots help your vision. hell no but parents will keep telling this lie as a way to get kids to eat vegetables.

Friday, November 26, 2004

This my baby. My lil muffen aint she cute. Posted by Hello

You Cant Handel This

here is the story of the wors year of my klife in mini series form. Enjoy!

In the beginning I thought it was just a bad summer but in all actuality it was a vary bad year I think the best place to start is the last day of the year before, new years eve at 12am no less.

I had been trying to reach my friend ED O’Brien all of Christmas break, but never could reach him he was out either with friends or asleep. The thing was my church had waned to start a youth group and had selected a few of the prominent youth that everybody seamed to know and seamed to be very active in the church. I had been named one of those few by the pastor himself I was beginning to become his apprentice. It was my dream to become the pastor of a church. So, I made my ambitions and myself well known in the church.

As one of the selected teens in the church, I had to work with the others in our group and the pastor to find ways of getting all the teens in the church back together. We had to plan events that would bring them out.

The first event the kick off so to call it was the New Years Eve party. I volunteered to take the food committee I was in charge of food and drinks. I had to plan the menu and get help to actually prepare it. No problem I thought I got plenty of good friends. I asked all of my good friends if they would be interested in going to the party and that if the could or wanted I needed help deciding what to serve and to cook. I got three volunteers, my best friend Neal Curly, My friend Mathias Wasser, and Edward O'Brien. I had received confirmation from all but one, and once I did it was not what needed to hear he could not make it and worst of all he had known all week. So, that was that and I went to bed.

The next morning my mother had already started on the cookie, dough and I waited for her to be done. We had a lot to make and of the two friends I had, coming only one was going to the party and the other had to help his mom latter because they were having a double party so he could not stay long. The list was long we had a cookie tray consisting of five different cookies a fruit platter, two deferent types of meatballs, tuna salad, a cake and brownies. And my mother could only help with a little bit of the stuff due to her appointment.

My friends arrived just before my mother was about to get her self-ready to go out. We had to do the long and boring part. Bake the cookies. I was baking cookies from when she left to when the party started. I have to admit doing it with my friends did make it a lot more fun. I was happy as long as we had time. Then I had to make the peanut butter cookie dough with out my mothers help. Neal and Matt just laughed but I did it.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Look @ This

This is my friend Potato. Need I say more. Posted by Hello

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone’s turkey day was happy. Mine started out terribly. I was awoken by my cell phone. When I answered, it was my uncle asking where my family was. He proceeded to tell me dinner was at 4:30 and the time was now 5:00 PM. No one had told me, so I told him Id do my best. We did not get there until 6:30. My mother the pastry chief was put in charge of dissert. So, we had to go. When we got there everyone had eaten as I suspected but it was cool ones I ate I chatted with my family for a good bet then had a cream puff.

I could not eat too much because I was sick and high on allergy medicine. I was in a poor mode but my cousins helped me overturn that. My cousin tiffany is my buddy she is like a younger version of my aunt Lisa so we get along like peas and carrots. My cousin Lauren is like a little sister she makes it quite clear that she loves me and I love her just the same. My other cousins are good for joking around so it was cool to be with them. The one that is a workaholic did not show as expected due to his love of working.

The food was great and the only thing I would have changed was my sisters attitude but that is a different topic soon to come.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Normal People Worry Me.

Have you ever noticed how people in a mental institution claim they are sane. Yet, the people walking the streets claim they are insane in the membrane. Just goes to show you who is crazy and who is not.

It is my life mission to let the world know that the worlds has guan crazy and all those who find it necessary to hold on to their sane mind will be locked and kept from reproducing. I know you can tell by my views on any and everything that I am completely crazy therefore extremely capable to coincide with the rest of society. Its a well known law that majority rules and little did you know that the majority is crazy.

Let this be your outlook on life “ normal people worry me.”

My Friend

This my friend Gina at work. i bring out the crazy in her. This was also taken with my cell. Posted by Hello

Monday, November 22, 2004

Just thought this was cool

A Noodle Scratcher

A man gave one son 10 cents and another son was given 15 cents. What time is it?
leave your ans in comments

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Phones Take Poor Pictures.

This is from when i was working at sears. glad thats over. Posted by Hello

Here Is A lil Funny

My Mom sent this to me. Remember what I said yesterday still stands though.

In the beginning God covered the earth with broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach, green, yellow, and red vegetables of all kinds; so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives.

Then using God's bountiful gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerry's and Krispy Kreme. And Satan said, "You want hot fudge with that?" And Man said, "Yes!" and Woman said, "I'll have another with sprinkles." And lo they gained 10 pounds.

And God created the healthful yogurt that Woman might keep the figure that Man found so fair.

And Satan brought forth white flour from the wheat, and sugar from the cane, and combined them. And Woman went from size 2 to size 10.

So God said, "Try my fresh green salad."

And Satan presented crumbled Bleu Cheese dressing and garlic toast on the side. And Man and Woman unfastened their belts following the repast! .

God then said, "I have sent you heart healthy vegetables and olive oil in which to cook them."

And Satan brought forth deep fried coconut shrimp, butter dipped lobster chunks and chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter. And Man's cholesterol went through the roof.

God then brought forth running shoes, so that his Children might lose those extra pounds.

And Satan came forth with a cable TV with remote control, so Man would not have to toil changing the channels. And man and woman laughed and cried before the flickering light and started wearing stretch jogging suits.

Then God brought forth the potato, naturally low in fat and brimming with potassium and good nutrition.

Then Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fried them in animal fats and added copious quantities of salt. And Man put on more po! unds.

God then gave lean beef so that Man might con sume fewer calories and still satisfy his appetite.

And Satan created McDonald's and the 99-cent double cheeseburger. Then Lucifer said, "You want fries with that?" and Man replied, "Yes! And super size' em!" And Satan said, "It is good." And Man went into cardiac arrest.

God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery.

And Satan created HMOs.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

I Had It Then And I Got More Now

To many of you this may look really familer, to thoes its not thats me at age 16. Its only a costume I normaly dont dress like that. Posted by Hello

Lets Be Real Men

Who made the rules, was it a man or woman? Either who ever it was needs to be killed or have their memory and seed wiped from the earth, unless they think as I do.

This stereotype of men has caused controversy in many households for centuries and it only get worse, the stereotype that is. As it stands right now, men are to be violent, and constantly live a quest to prove their virility and insensitivity. Despite the fact that men now and days seem to be more willing to be open with their feelings. The only way that any man can be open and free with his true personality is to be gay or label himself metro sexual.

So in conclusion I say fuck the world and only true men a metro all other are just dumb poor excuses for males.

Diet And Holidays Cant Mix

There are to many diets out there. You got the Jared subway diet, the slim fast diet, Jenny Crag, and the ever popular yet new Atkins diet. All of which have no place between thanksgiving and new years day, more so on thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is the one and only day in the year it is perfectly to be glutinous by gorging ourselves on good food. It is a sin to try to make it more health conscious by using margarine as opposed to butter. It is simply wrong to try to substitute what taste better for what is better for you. The most horrible of the things that can be done on such a holiday is almost too terrible to mention, a to foe turkey. Who ever does a thing like that should be roasted along side a real turkey. As fore any one who thinks such a thing I hope they have nightmares until they drew the conclusion that real turkey is the best and only legal way to go.

I see it as if you die that night you will definitely die well fed and happy. Oh how ignorance is bliss and if you not pretending is just as great.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Way Strange

I talked to myself today and I must say it was quite the conversation. Talking to my self is something I never do I may think aloud but never talk. I found it quite interesting. I asked a question and I answered my question as if some one else asked it. Then I had the nerve to tell myself to stop talking to myself. I must admit this is quite an interesting thing. It is all vary new. I want to know will this continue will it stop will it be a new aspect in my personality? Why now, why am I changing agents my will? At this point all I can say is “Puberty Sucks!!”

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I think this is cute I love Friends. Posted by Hello

Ghetto Girls And Ugly People 2

There was a book that someone in my 6th grade class had called 101 ways to know your ghetto. Let me just say the book is now outdated. I think some one should writ a series of books describing the true ghetto person. I think ill give them a start with the ghetto girl.

I know you have seen them they are everywhere in the suburbs in the city and even in the country. The only difference is the country girls have direct access to their horsehair AKA weave.

The word ghetto girl is just another name for chicken head. Why is it that a girl can go out one day with only 3 inches of hair and the next have three feet and try to pass it off as her own. If the world is as dumb as she wants us to be we are all domed. I also find it fascinating how they talk. It is a sin to say where were you. It can never be said like that it has to be “where you be at” or “ who you been messin wit” and you can never have one no it has to five or six. Hell no is never strong it has to be “no no hell no way in no hell.”

You also can track a ghetto girl or tell when they are near. You can hear them a mile away. It always seems the farther they are the louder they sound unless they are in your face then it sound like you having a conversation with an angry monkey. You can get away with telling the “smart” ones to shut up but a dumb will pretend to get offended. When ever they are pissed it starts the same “ ooohhhhhhhh hell no niggaa” its their favorite line like Paris Hilton likes to say, “That’s hot.”

And lets not get started on the clothes. Always the same loud flashy colors hit in the eyes like mace. If its not rare tight clothes in the winter its all skin. I swear 300 days out of 365 you can see it all on a ghetto girl.

I think the best place to close is the recent addition to the ghetto girl wardrobe. Mismatch thongs that made easily visible to the public on her body. I tell you so far I have seen leopard thongs with an aqua marine outfit, or a pink one with an all white outfit.

Ghetto girls are hear to stay unfortunately so when ever you need a little soft core porn go take a brisk walk in the ghetto or suburbs or anywhere for that matter it’s an epidemic with no cure like aids or herpes.
Ps south park really sucked tonight.

Ghetto Girls And Ugly People.

It is so funny how the world of looks works. The words we use to hurt someone are quite divers yet in English come from the same word. It is seen as one of the ultimate insults if you just come out and say to someone they are physically challenged. Some times, it is seen as a challenge. Before it was just “your ugly” then “you uu ga lee” “then fugly came into the picture. It is truly considered an art to add words to the basic ugly terms to come up with the best way to tell someone they are unattractive. I can remember this one time a 3rd grader called me tall lanky and ugly I responded “ your short round and un attractive” as you can imagine my friends found my retort quite humorous as I had intended.

Its been said that true beauty comes from with in. its also been said that ugly people made that up to feel better. Well it is vary true that is some thing ugly people made up to feel better.

Ugly people are ugly and that is that. There are no im a nice person so I look good if your ugly you know your ugly and normally your first to admit it. I think I would know I have met my fair share of both ugly and good looking people and I am not ashamed to say my friends are all good looking and those that I find ugly usually are jealous.

There are three kinds of good-looking people in this world. The good looking who always want to look better they are normally seen as unhappy and annoying always looking for affirmation. Then we have those who look good and find it necessary to remind the world they are seen as stuck-up and conceded only because they are. Then are those like me who look good but try to pretend they are not. This type that says their friends with everybody but it is more like everybody want to be friends with them.

There are two types of ugly people those that pretend they are not but know whole-heartedly they are and those who know they are and just do not care. The later of the two need to be eradicated.

Ugly people true ugly people are always evil on the inside and that is why I can honestly say what I say without any remorse. You may see some one who physically is not your type but you know they are good looking.

So there, you have the short of it I could go all day with this on but I feel I should cut it short. I think tomorrow I will talk about the ugly I have seen to emphasize my point.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Dont Be Chickin

thier are two places on this page to leave comments and i have yet to get any. leave a messag let me know what you want to see.

Today Was Observation Day

Today I made several observations of my life and those in it. These are my reflections.

Lately I have been wondering why is it expected for girls to primp press and put on makeup among other things in the morning. Its like if they do not put some additive on their body before they start their day they have committed some grave sin, and the only penance is to point out how bad they look or so they think. For example, my mother does not go any where without lipstick. She has been told by many people who have seen her without makeup that she is a beautiful woman and still she where’s that gunk.

The reason this whole spiel is relevant is because this girl came into first block complaining how she did not get a chance to do her hair and how bad it looked, but yet to everyone else it looked like it did every day.

As for at work I had to help the confederate from hell. He came to the counter and ordered his lunch meats one at a time each time giving me an aptitude he was making it a little obvious that he was disappointed that the deli clerk was black. But he could go back to hell for all I cared. Lucky him I did not show him I did have a ghetto side, Ill deal with the ghetto ness of people tomorrow.

I thin I should end today with this last bit of victorology. Sometimes I just want to say to customers who make a point to order beef bologna beef salami or turkey ham. The moment they are walking away “The person before you ordered domestic ham and liverwurst, enjoy your sandwiches!”
Read tomorrow about ghetto girls and ugly people.

i think you can figure out who i am Posted by Hello

Monday, November 15, 2004

My Life Is A SitCom

I have noticed that a day does not go by where I do not make someone laugh aloud. Work is a place where I like to have fun I do my work of course but if im working with someone my age let the stand up begin. The funny thing about it is I can never write it down I think vie been programmed in such a way that when I write it comes out serious. I know some of the stuff on my page has seamed a tid bit funny but it is as if I always say the truth hurts or its funny. I think what im trying to say is that the next few post will be a lil bit different but bare with me im just working on my comedy.

Boys And Men???

I think I need to start with a simple question. How can boys by all definition say what a man is? How can a young man say what a real man is? The reason I put such a question out there is the young men in my math class had quite the discussion on what a man is and when a boy can finally say that he is a man. Their were all kinds of definitions all of which I feel proved that these 16 and 17 year olds have got some learning to do before they can honestly say they are a real man.
One definition was your a man when your paying bills, one was when your taking care of a family, another was when your mom says you are. Let me just say they went on and on until it was time to go. I feel its safe to say again and again they all were just lil boys. That whole I have seen so much in my life doesn’t make you a man that whole I got a job girl and this that and other bill don’t make you a man. Pick from the following to see if you are a man.
Religion When you religion says you are
When the government says you are
when people look at you like you are
when your done puberty
or hears the real on
when you can honestly look in the mirror and say all in all im a man.
Any man can pay bills any man can make babies any man can go to church and clime to be a Christian and go to church any man can do what ever the hell he wants. Its a real man that dose what not what he feels is right but what is best for those his decisions will effect. A real man pays bill not because he has to but because he wants to. A real man makes a family because he wants to take care of one, not because it was the cards he was dealt. Real men love their lives because of the positive attributes they give to society a real man buy all definition is someone all other males will be proud to look to as a role models and women can say to their little boys don’t you want to be like him.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

What A Day

Today was quite significant for a few people. First ill start with my mom, last Saturday was her last day of school. For two years, she has been going to school to get her degree in pastry arts. Every Saturday from 6am to 5 or 6 pm and Wednesday after work till 10. So, she was home for her first Saturday. Then my cousin Lauren came over to spend the day with her and my sister. So when I came home I had to see her, it has been awhile and we both love each other vary much she is only five.
As for me, I did something I have been longing to do since I entered high school. I participated in habitat for humanity. It was so much fun on the way there the bus driver brought her daughter and she sat next to me, I love children so it was fun to have her there. We talked and joked around we even ate donuts, but when our group got to the house, I said my fair wells and proceeded to get of the buss. She grabbed the end of my jacket a pleaded for me to stay I felt so bad she a vary innocent look on her face that made me want to stay but I had to go. I explained to her the best I could why I had to go and she finally let me leave.
When I got in the house, we had a rustic orientation and a little warm up time. After I went upstairs of the house and started nailing something for something, I do not remember what I was doing exactly but if I described it to a carpenter, they would get it. Anyway, I completely botched the job up and had to undo it. I felt bad because it meant the guy instructing me had to go and do it the right way.
I feel I redeemed my self when we framed a wall, I was pretty good at that and mixing the cement to cement the sump pump pipes. After that I came home to the surprise of lil Lauren and spent the rest of my day playing with her then Holley came over with pizza and a movie and I took part in that. So all in all my life, I regaining so of it much needed previous normality.

Friday, November 12, 2004

For The Better Or Worse??

the past year has led to one change after the other, and i am still unshur if i can say its all in all good. ive gaun from Private school to a poor public school. i hate this school and have only found a limited few that hate it for the reasons i do. i ve moved from the city to the berbs sharon hill is not a cool place i would only owen a house hear if i was a work aholic who was only at my house to sleep and eat a little. now the house i live in is far better than any in the neighborhood and i no longer live with holley but all in all was it good?

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Thank You For Being Stupid

First, I would like to apologize for not posting yesterday, a brake in my newfound habit that I can only hope never happens again. But it has Occurred to me that every year at this time super markets have this special deal. Spend so much money and get a free turkey it just so happens that acme the place I work says spend 300 or more and get a free turkey. That is if you spend 300 between the last week in October and the week of thanks giving. Well many people spend more than that on food a month so what is wrong with that some may ask. Well I am going to tell you.
You have your favorite market; it is usually a nice clean place, which always has bargains. When another market has a sell smart, shoppers go and check it out. Not because they are disloyal but when it comes to money if you get the same thing somewhere else, why pay the same price. So then, why would someone spend that kind of money in one place? The only exception I can think of are large families who can’t help but spend that kind of money but to me it would make more sense to start shopping wholesale. So, when those dumb people go to purchase their turkey whatever super market the get it at is simply saying thank you for being such a stupid shopper.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Today Was Ok

It was an ok day as you may have deduced from the title. I have although come to the conclusion that my friend Boima was kinda right about public school kids. High School one's to be particular. They are by far the most petty and stuck up of the whole bunch. While private school kids worry about SAT's and collage apps public school kind are trying to figure out weather to drop out, who likes who and or what was said about them behind their back. It is completely ridiculous. I have a real problem with the way they talk, period! It nerve rattling the way sentences are ended with prepositions and the more grammatically incorrect a sentences is the more it is socially acceptable. Honestly Sharon hill is full of no good amount to nothings that will simply take over the neighborhood and make it home of the white trash and Nigers.

Monday, November 08, 2004

I Hate Public School

Ok so I carry a briefcase to school. I have always found was to beat the system and get around the stupid rules. The school has a no book bag in school rule and I aint about to carry my stuff in my hands of keep running back and forth to my locker between classes. So, a brief case is my solution. Well it has only been day two of caring this. And it steadily is becoming topic of conversation. Why the hell cant they figure out that it only goes with the way, I dress. While all the other guys are wearing dickys im wearing a button down shirt nice, pants and designer shoes im used to it and I will not change for anyone. So a briefcase or to be totally correct an attaché case. Those losers that find it completely fascinating can go lynch themselves.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

What Is With The World

Ok for those of you who do not know I work at a deli in a supermarket. Every day my job becomes increasingly interesting. Today has leaded me to put out the question of how many dumb people know they dumb? It is amazing the number of people that cant read and simple arithmetic. Half of 7.99 is 4 how hard is that. And its diets n Watson not diet and Wilson. If you have any example of any one doing stupid things at you job plezz share am truly curious to find out.

my cell phone story

its not untill you have a cell phone that you realize how convient it is. i remember i got my first cell phone my froshmen year of highschool. i at first thought big deal. i knew having one was kind of cool and it was but the nolvity so wore off. then during that summer my mom told me to pay the bill now that i had a job. well i paid the bill too late so they shut it off. after i paid the bill the company went bankrupt and stoped providing cell service. i then got a pe paid i loved that phone a nokia 3390 it was he in phone it did everything my last one didnt plus more. at the beginning of sophmor year it broke so i didnt buy any more minuts for it and that was that. it wasent untill april junior year that i baught a new cell phone. it was a cinguler prepaid cost me 106 dollars i liked it it was a colar screen. but cinguler charged a buck everyday you didnt use the phone. when we had moved i lost it well actually it was behind my dresser for about a week so i let the service just expire then came june i got sprit which i love having a monthly is so much more dependable and less riskey. (to be abriged)

today at work

today was crazy we had nothing to do but tell stories one of which i do intedned to post on hear in the vary near future. i learned a few cool things abot men in genneral and one new thing about women making me smarter than every man out ther when it comes to women.