Sunday, November 07, 2004

my cell phone story

its not untill you have a cell phone that you realize how convient it is. i remember i got my first cell phone my froshmen year of highschool. i at first thought big deal. i knew having one was kind of cool and it was but the nolvity so wore off. then during that summer my mom told me to pay the bill now that i had a job. well i paid the bill too late so they shut it off. after i paid the bill the company went bankrupt and stoped providing cell service. i then got a pe paid i loved that phone a nokia 3390 it was he in phone it did everything my last one didnt plus more. at the beginning of sophmor year it broke so i didnt buy any more minuts for it and that was that. it wasent untill april junior year that i baught a new cell phone. it was a cinguler prepaid cost me 106 dollars i liked it it was a colar screen. but cinguler charged a buck everyday you didnt use the phone. when we had moved i lost it well actually it was behind my dresser for about a week so i let the service just expire then came june i got sprit which i love having a monthly is so much more dependable and less riskey. (to be abriged)

1 comment:

Titus Sheldon said...

nice story