It is amassing how women want to be seen as equals to men and yet there are still those jobs and responsibilities that men must take on simply because they are male. For example men must take out the trash, put the seat down after peeing and keep a steady job regardless of how much money the woman in the relationship makes.
I think ill start off simple what the hell is with the whole toilet seat thing. Before we whip it out to pee we have to look make shur the seat is up and then urinate as usual and when we are finished are we allowed to walk away? No we have to return the seat to the down position. The result of not putting the seat down or putting it up. One for not putting the seat up she yells and screams about how men splash and nasty it is to sit in “piss.” When we don’t put the seat back down after using the toilet they yell about how we almost made them fall in the dirty toilet. We have to look before we whip it out I think they should look before they sit and that be it.
What the hell is with putting out the trash they pick out the trash can to go with their kitchen witch is normally the smallest kitchen trash can they can find and when its full what happens as soon as the first male gets home they are directed to the kitchen to empty it, only to empty it in another half hour because its dirty to have a larger trash can and its unlade like to empty it herself, it’s a mans job to empty the trash.
Finally the family situation this one I had no choice but to research this one I asked women who have proven that they feel men and women are equal and argued that men who feel a woman has to stay home and take care of the house and kids are sexist. So I asked well what if the man wants to stay home and take care of the kids if you make enough money and still want to work. Their response extremely contrary to men and women are equal.
Well every last one of them said “No the man has to have a job.” When I asked why, well lets just say they have this feeling that a man must work, and fit into the traditional male stereotype and men who feel women should fit into some form of the “House Wife” stereotype are sexist pigs.
Well en I think its time for a major change to this whole woman are equal to men, men simply give hem exactly what they want until they have had enough. Stop this whole bending to their whim and treat them how they treat you leave the seat up and make them take the trash out if they don’t like it tough we are all equal, get used to it.
(I really want to hear your responce to this one.)
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