Thursday, September 21, 2006

The B.S. Degree (Ha, Ha. Tisk. Tisk.)

It seams any one can obtain a masters in BS and use it effectively. I find it amusing how people can come to their own conclusions based on almost nothing. You can have a forty year old announce on the bus that (/ 11 was a US government set up and people believe her. She give her view educates her audience on how when a plane crashes it doesn’t disintegrate and if it hit’s a building it leave the shape of the plan on the building. TO be honest it truly takes a degree in Bull Shit to gossip and that is only acquired by years of practice some people spend so much time gossiping that they truly have a PHD in the field of half truths and starting and continuing the whole guess what I saw conversation. It is truly comical when you when you are the innocent listener of two old birds talking about shit that they don’t know anything about like the new car their neighbor has. Don’t know the name model year or make, all they know is its shinny and they are driving it now and wasn’t driving it before. It can however be better. Many of us my find our grand mothers or aunts using us to get the scoop on whets going on in they block To use the car as an example grand mom comes up to you and ask “isn’t that a nice car” you say sure. Grand mom then ask what kind is it I really like that, you innocently tell her all you know about the car then to keep you from telling her unwanted info the gossip starts. “oh so and so just bought that new shinny car and cant take care of their kids “ or they bought that car and wont give their who ever a ride” you think to yourself O.M.G. whey is she telling me this and remind yourself to proceed with caution the next time grand mom who doesn’t drive or want to get her license ask you about cars.

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